Sunday, September 11, 2011

Still Rockin The Cloth!

My extreme exhaustion & all-day morning sickness have subsided a bit, making cloth diapering not seem like such a daunting task. I really honestly still think that cloth diapering is the best option for us.

Which leads me to believe that if I'm able to do it, so can you!!!! :-D I mean, what would it hurt to at least give it a try for a couple of weeks? A month? Just take it day-by-day.... That's how I find things to be easiest, when I'm not feeling cornered & pressured to do something.

If I know I have an "out", the option to quit, that makes me feel more open to giving things a chance.

We spent around $100 on our cloth diaper stash. That will last us for years, no problem, for one child. It could probably last me for years with two little ones, but I'd probably end up having to wash diapers every day that way. Right now I'm washing them every other day.

Each week I go to the store & just can't possibly justify spending money on disposable diapers anymore. It just feels like flushing precious money down the drain.

So what's stopping you from giving them a try?

Friday, September 9, 2011

Beware Of The Hormone-o-Saurus Rex!

I have made the transformation from being a loving, caring, thoughtful & giving wife and mommy into a ravenous, hormonal, (dare I say) raging bitch.

I hate this. I really do. I feel like I'm one of those Pull My String & I Can Talk dolls. Only my phrases are "I'm so friggen hungry", "What the hell are you doing/talking about" & "Baby, I am so, so, so sorry. I really am. I love you so much". Oh. And "Turn on a fan! I'm burning up in here!"

The extreme exhaustion seems to have diminished a great deal. I'm still tired, don't get me wrong, but at least I'm not too tired to run to the bathroom to pee anymore. Every five minutes.

I am, however, hungry at almost any given time during the day. My cravings are....fickle & all over the place. Yesterday I had a bowl of Golden Puffs cereal. Along with a bowl of Ramen noodles. Usually, after ranting & raving about how hungry I am, I eat about 3.5 bites & am stuffed. It's a mystery to my family. But they have learned to NEVER EVER EVER eat any of the food that "I couldn't possibly eat another bite of."

Because, like a deranged hyena, I will be back.

And I will be hungry.

My threshold of tolerance for idiots has also been severely lowered.

I am in no mood to entertain your stupidity, so please don't push your luck.

So....yeah. LOL That's how I've been. ;-)

What's new with you?