Friday, June 24, 2011

Amber Teething Necklace?

I stumbled across a little something last week talking about amber teething necklaces & how awesome they are. Apparently they've been using them over in Europe for....a long time. (yes, that's an accurate description of time LOL)

Amber is thought to have beneficial healing oils within itself that can be released when heated. The child does NOT chew on the necklace (oh, come on! You were thinking the same thing I was! LOL), but instead wears it around his neck. His (her) body heat warms the necklace enough to release the healing oils into baby's skin, causing the pain of teething to subside enough to help calm your baby down naturally, without using any of the chemical-containing teething gels! This leads to less crying, fussing, drooling & helps your baby sleep better (because he's not in as much pain). Your baby doesn't sleep with the necklace on, for safety reasons.

So.... Have you ever heard of or used an amber teething necklace? If not, what do you think about its claims?
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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

And the Thunder Rolls....

I live in the glorious South, marked by tanned bodies, beautiful women, red dirt, sweet tea and....storms.

I don't know about you, but I, for one, am terrified of storms. I wish I wasn't, but the cold hard truth is that when the thunder rolls, I try not to piddle on the floor like a Beagle pup. I am hoping that this unfortunate trait has not been passed on to my children, but I think the sight of me curled into fetal position on the couch & murmuring prayers & whispered obscenities like a nun with Tourettes hasn't helped instill much bravery in my kids.

My biggest fear is that with my now having more children than I have hands, that should an emergency arise, how can I safely hold onto my sweet angels?

Hello, Moby Wrap!

That's right, my fears have been semi-abated by my putting on my Moby Wrap whenever a storm starts a brewin'. That way should we need to seek shelter, I'll just pop my youngest into this miracle wrap & wrap my arms around my other two. Like a mother hen, I am not above sitting/laying on top of them, either! LOL

But I have been toying with the idea of creating the SUPER DUPER family wrap out of a bedsheet. Yep. You read that right. I will wrap my children a lá mummy-style & if one of us blows away, hello Dorothy!, we're all gonna get blown to Oz!

After all....who's gonna protect them there from the evil apple-throwing forest, if not me?!
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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Fear of Commitment

Okay, so confession time. I am afraid to commit to things. I don't know why, I mean, I'm a pretty responsible girl. But just the act of tying myself to something (excluding bed posts hehehe) just freaks me out. Not to digress, but I am not big on cuddling, either. I am one Y-chromosome away from being a guy! ;-)

Anyway, back to point. I have been researching the heck out of cloth diapers. I have investigated all of my CDing (ahem: cloth diapering) options & weighing the pros & cons. I have concluded that the best option for us right now will be to start with old-fashioned Indian prefolds with some adorable covers. I sat down last Friday evening & made a detailed itemized list of exactly what diapers & covers I am going to buy to start my diaper stash. I even went so far as to set up an account for myself with an online cloth diaper store & filled up my virtual shopping cart.

And then I froze. I couldn't do it. I could not *commit* myself to finalize my order. That's right. I could not check myself out. ;-) ...... Get it? 'Check myself out', virtual cart, online store.... Oh, nevermind. (at least I made myself giggle LOL)

So there you have it. As much as I want to start cloth diapering, despite my knowing full well just how horrible disposables are on my little guy's tush, even though I am so excited to start this journey, I cannot bring myself to commit. ::sigh:: Now I have to wait til our rent is paid before I will have the cash to give it a go...again.
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Monday, June 20, 2011

Show Some Support!

Us girls must always look our best! Seriously. Sometimes it's easy to forget that, what with changing diapers & chauffeuring our kids around all week. But taking the time to try & look beautiful (even just for yourself!) can boostyour self-esteem & confidence!

One way to look your best: make sure you are wearing the right size bra! I mean, for real, who can feel good about herself when she's practically tucking her ta-tas into her socks, cuz they're bra offers very little support?!

Here is a little tutorial from our sexy girlfriends at Victoria Secret to show you how to measure yourself for a bra:

And while you're at it, go buy yourself a new bra today! Even if you're only going to be potty-training a toddler tomorrow, at least you'll feel like the sexiest Potty Teacher ever!
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Sunday, June 5, 2011

Do Me A Solid...

So apparently there's this thing called "baby-led weaning" or some sort of name like that. Have you heard of it?
It appears to be the new (or maybe not so "new", cuz let's face it: I've always been a dork & behind when it comes to trends LOL) best way to get babies to start on solid foods.
You're not to start it before your baby is 6 months old.
Anyway, you don't use traditional jarred baby food. Instead, you just steam veggies & mush them up or cut them into teeny tiny pieces & just lay them on your baby's high chair tray. Then your baby just feeds itself! The theory behind this is that your baby will learn how to choose the food containing the nutrients he/she needs.
This way does sound really neat, but call me old-fashioned, but I've always just started my little ones out on Gerber baby food & cereal at around 4.5 months. I really wanted to start making Austin's baby food myself, but now I feel guilty. Is this "new" way better? Have I irrevocably screwed up my children by starting them on pureed food?!
Eh. Whatever. My kids are happy & healthy. I do wish I would have heard about this method before I started Austin on "traditional" baby food, but he's loving his infant oatmeal & various pureed veggies & fruits. And as soon as I start making his baby food myself, he's gonna love that too! :-)
What about you? How did you start your little one(s) on solids??
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Thursday, June 2, 2011

Daddy & His Hoes

I should probably pay better attention when my daughter talks to me......

Mahri: Daddy keeps forgetting to bring home hoes.

Me: What?!

Mahri: I said (with that tone of voice that lets me know that my half-assed listening habits have been detected), "Daddy keeps forgetting to bring home a hose!" You know, to hook up a sprinkler.

Ahhhhhh. Gotcha. ;-)
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The Sunburn Blues

Is it possible to go through "pool withdrawal"? I think so.

See, Austin's sunscreen didn't work so well yesterday & his little arms got a bit sunburned, so we had to skip our almost-daily trip to the pool. Everyone was extremely upset by this. I think I even heard the kids discussing bringing a lawsuit against the makers of the sunscreen. LOL

So now we're all cooped up in the house & getting on each others' nerves.

Even Austin has been grumpy. Considering that playing in the pool is his all-time favorite activity, I don't blame him.

I'm half-scared to tell the kids that there is a slight chance of rain tomorrow. They may riot....
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